Hospital Medicine in Cannon Falls

Hospital medicine physicians, or hospitalists, are the specialists who take care of you and coordinate your care while you are in the hospital. You may see one or several hospitalists during your hospital stay.

Hospitalists are:

  • Available around the clock.
  • The main contact between you and your specialty or primary care providers while you are hospitalized.
  • Specially trained to care for hospitalized patients.
  • Concerned with your well-being and quality of care.

They are part of a team that includes nurses, therapists, dietitians, pharmacists and others who care for you while you are hospitalized.

Hospital visitors

The hospital is open 24/7/365. The check-in desk is open every day from 6:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. Visitors arriving after 9 p.m. are asked to enter through the Emergency Department entrance. Please ring the buzzer located by the exterior door at the patient drop-off entrance.


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Thomas Nordahl, M.D.
Emergency Medicine, Hospital Medicine
Megan Johnston Flanders, M.D.
Family Medicine, Hospital Medicine

Not all treatments, tests and services are available at all Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Check with your preferred location in advance.